
Indicate payment on account:  2942015221/1100 – Tatra Banka
SK02 1100 0000 0029 42015221
Owner/account name: 
Bobtail & Bearded collie klub, Drieňová 11, 82103 Bratislava
Address of the Bank: 
Tatra banka, Hodžovo námestie, Bratislava

Non-payment of the membership fee for more than 1 year has resulted in an automatic proper lost membership in the Club. If you are a former Member will want to subscribe again, together with the Membership must pay the fee (re-) entry fee 35 €.

(Re-) entry fee for membership does not apply in the case of the candidate, if there is a member of more than three years, or in the event of cancellation of membership due to death of the dog. In such cases, a one-time entry fee applies.


BBCK Member

BBCK Non Member

Membership fee

30 € (minimum)

New member registration fee

15 €

Advertising on the website


100 €

Advertising in catalogs, newsletters


30 €


Entry fees

BBCK member

BBCK Non Member


1st entry

2nd entry

3rd entry

1st entry

2nd entry

3rd entry

First dog

35 €

40 €

50 €

45 €

50 €

60 €

Second and additional dog

30 €

35 €

45 €

40 €

45 €

55 €

Baby, puppy, veteran and honour class

20 €

25 €

35 €

30 €

35 €

45 €

Funny class

15 €

20 €

30 €

20 €

25 €

35 €


20 €

25 €

35 €

30 €

35 €

45 €